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CaliWoods Mother's Day Must-Haves

The go-to gift-giving guide for this Mother's Day. Fast approaching on the 12th of May, it's time to start thinking about how you will celebrate the incredible caregiver in your life. 

CaliWoods at Go Green Expo

It's always such a pleasure to be part of events that celebrate sustainability and bring together like-minded individuals. Read through Shay's reflections from another fantastic Go Green Expo

Warm and Inviting Cheesy Garlic and Herb Focaccia Recipe

This season, we're embracing cozy evenings with a delicious recipe for garlic and herb focaccia! Perfect for autumn baking!

Celebrating B Corp Month with CaliWoods: Embracing Sustainability and Purpose

What does it truly mean to be a B Corporation and how CaliWoods is celebrating B Corp month this March with a free gift at purchase.

Love Sustainability But Sick Of Hearing About It? This Article Is For You!

Our founder, Shay, dives into why sustainability is sounding like a marketing message - and how to overcome this for 2024! Feel magic, delight, and inspiration in this article and re-centre yourself.

Tips & Benefits Of Your Reusable Baking Mats

The secret ingredient that can take your kitchen game to the next level. Whether you’ve tried these before or curious about whether to buy, here are some tips and benefits that can help you get the most out of these handy tools.

Christmas Nut Loaf

Delicious, nutritious, and perfect for the whole family. This recipe may steal the show at your family christmas dinner - don't say we didn't warn you!

Christmas Pudding Bliss Balls

These Christmas Pudding Bliss Balls perfect for the whole family, these gluten free, vegan, and refined sugar-free treats are easy to make and can be frozen and saved for a later date.

Festive Seasonal Salad

A festive seasonal salad, perfect for the whole family and packed full of delicious, nutritious ingredients. Ideal for Christmas BBQs, or meals with the whanau. The second in our series of holiday recipes, delicious for the silly season.